Lets Make Tech

Windows 10 Installation and Review


Windows will be keeping the metro tile start screen for touch devices.



If you like experimenting with operating systems great news, Windows 10 is now available to demo.

If you just hate windows 8 and want to move on to the next thing or you love windows and can't wait for the next one, this isn't for you not yet. Windows 10 is not ready for the consumer yet. Although so far Windows 10 is great news for both of you.  

This is just a preview so it has bugs and isn't very stable, also a key logger. So don't install this on your main computer.

If you like experimenting with operating systems, are curious and have an extra computer laying around, or have a computer suitable for running a virtual machine and want to check out Windows 10, this is for you.

If you understand this is not a usable operating system and is just for testing purposes, lets begin.   


1. Make a Virtual Box of set an old or extra computer. Not too old it needs to have reasonable specs, but if you get it running on something really old let me know.

2. Go get the ISO burn it to a DVD and put it in your computer or mount it in your virtual machine.

3. Boot off of the DVD and follow the installation instructions on screen, it will do everything for you.


I installed Windows 10 in a virtual box on top of windows 7. My computer has an i7 with 8 GB of RAM and had no trouble running Windows 10 in Virtual Box.

It synced all of my settings and wallpaper from my windows 8.1 tablet. This was a pretty nice feature however I would have liked if it installed all of my programs and apps as well. At first I did not like the windows live user log in but I can see how it can have some benefits.    


Windows 8 has received a good deal of hate for the metro tiles replacing start menu and some people actually like the metro tiles. The new start menu tries to make a compromise by putting the metro tiles in the start menu. For the desktop or laptops, this is perfect. For tablets I am not so sure. My experience with windows 8 tablets is limited, however I think the metro dash makes more sense for tablets than this start menu. Windows 10 will make a lot of desktop and laptop users happy, while possibly upsetting many tablet users.

Update: Touch screen devices will have the metro tile start screen. I retract what I said about it not being good for tablet users.

The metro apps open in a window instead of full screen mode as seen with the app store below.  


Overall it seems relatively stable for a developer preview however some apps have crashed when attempting to run them and they will not start unless virtual box is in full screen due to screen resolution.

The main selling point of Windows 10 for me is multiple desktops. I am surprised it took this long for Microsoft to implement them. For those of you not familiar with having multiple desktops, you are in for a treat it really helps you keep things organized. 


I am looking forward to the stable release of Windows 10 that is free of any key loggers, but only for the desktop. For small tablets Windows 10 is a giant step backward. For large touch screen tablets and desktops Windows 10 will be a giant leap forward.  

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